GBV Episode 37

Episode: 37
Duration: 29:49
Airing date: 4 & 18 July 1983

Record date: 25 June 1983
Episode Producers: Barry Spillman
Accession: GV-037

 00:18-01:22 Intro

01:23-09:53 In Memory of a Friend: Greg Cutts (1953-1983). Co-founder of Gayblevision, producer and musician of theme song.

09:24-17:08 Gay T.V. in England: Interview with Stuart Marshall, producer, at Video Inn Library. *

17:09-17:43  Promo: A.I.D.S. Vancouver Information Line; 1983 Gay Games

17:44-21:59 The Girlfriends, musical performance at the Dufferin Hotel

22:00-25:47 1983 Pride Week Promo: Hosts Stuart Alcock and Bob Guild

25:48-28:40 Bloolips “Think Pink” stage performance at Vancouver East Cultural Centre

28:41-29:27 August Preview: A Gayblevision Special – Sleep of Reason

29:28-29:49 Credits: Steve Barlow, Don Durrell, Ted Fraser, Warren Jensen, Bill Kabewka, Mike Pappas, Barry Spillman, Lyle Walker.

*See the Crista Dahl Media Library for more material on Stuart Marshall. Video distributed through Video Out.