VIVO Media Arts Centre Archive > Sara Diamond Video

Video Art

Vancouver  1982  26:00
Images of the artist’s mother, stories of growing up in a heady environment of socialist thought and Jewish identity during the McCarthy era, and the artist’s own process of growth both away from and towards her mother, are negotiated through the work of grieving. A Canadian feminist video art classic, this video is also a personal testimony. In the artist’s words, “it was an important way for me resolve my intense feeling over my mother’s death.”


Vancouver  1984  36:00
The Heroics series is an attempt to examine the heroism of women through a montage of still photos and visuals intercut with excerpts from approximately 30 women’s stories about their sense of personal power and endurance. It was motivated by the artist’s concern that heroism is male defined and that male language selects experiences and events within the context of patriarchal definitions of courage.
Vancouver  1984  16:00
Contains answers to the questions: What is a hero/heroine? What are you afraid of? Who or what inspires you? Do you have a dream or aspiration?
Vancouver  1984  22:00
Stories of women’s attempts to creatively solve problems in their lives, or to work in a way that they control, and which expresses their creative power.
Vancouver  1984  20:00
The women in this section have all taken risks in their lives to provide examples to others.
Vancouver  1984  38:00
Relates stories of women’s ability to survive despite difficult and sometimes life-threatening situations.
Vancouver  1984  40:00
The stories related in this section – from confronting death to survivng and leaving a battering partner, to winning a Grade Twelve certificate – concern women turning difficult situations around.
Vancouver  1984  35:00
This tape is about consciously initiating risky action for a principle. Included are stories dealing with the refusal to be bullied by violence, sexism, or adversity.