VIVO Media Arts Centre Archive > Culture > Men’s and Women’s Swimming; Jane Rule Press Conference

Men’s and Women’s Swimming; Jane Rule Press Conference

Episode:  Men’s and Women’s Swimming; Jane Rule Press Conference
Duration: 27:15
Record date: August 5, 1990; August 6, 1990
Accession: MAM-GG-058

00:01-02:38 – Women’s swimming

02:38-03:02 – Teams gathering around pool

03:02-03:18 – Swimmer saying hi to Mary Anne and Cherene

03:18-04:42 – Men’s swimming

04:42-04:54 – Shots of the crowd cheering on athletes

04:55-18:12 – Men’s swimming and shots of crowd

18:13-20:56 – Jane Rule press conference – speaking about her journey as an author