
VIVO is monitoring and adhering to all ongoing guidance from WorkSafeBC and the Provincial Health Authorities at this time.

We are providing access to our studio facilities for production and exhibition purposes on a by-appointment basis.

All visitors/users of our facility must understand the following:

We ask that anyone who is experiencing COVID-like symptoms or who has any reason to believe that they have been recently exposed to others who have contracted COVID-19 to refrain from visiting our facilities.

We ask that anyone who has recently traveled outside of BC observe the Provincially mandated 14-day quarantine and to refrain from visiting our facilities if doing so would violate this guidance.

We have hand-sanitation stations throughout the facility, which users are asked to use upon entry and as appropriate throughout their on-site visit.

We expect all users of our facility to wear masks on-site and we are happy to provide masks to those who show up on-site without one.

We expect all users to practice social distancing while on-site. Please limit movement throughout the space as much as possible to minimize contact.

VIVO staff will identify and actively clean high-contact, common use areas and surfaces during and around all periods of heightened facilities use.