Lorna Boschman

Lorna Boschman works with communities, informed by a digital literacy approach to making art, conducting arts-based research and exchanging knowledge through co-creation. Most recently, she was Project Manager and Faculty Associate for Cancer’s Margins, a research study of LGBT2Q people who have been diagnosed and treated for breast or gynecologic cancer (lgbtcancer.ca). After working as an arts administrator at Video In (now VIVO) for many years, she attended Simon Fraser University’s School of Interactive Arts & Technology. During the past decade, Lorna has contributed to a greater understanding of arts-and community-based research approaches. As an artist, she has written and directed multiple experimental and award-winning non-fiction productions with a social justice theme. As a teacher, she has guided hundreds in the critical and technical use of digital media. Lorna has collaborated with our revered Lady Justice (Margaret Dragu) on numerous occasions and has always learned so much.


Programs at VIVO: